Frequently Asked Questions

Web Hosting

I just signed up. What do I have to do to get my web site online?

Take a look at our Getting Started page.

How do I manage my website?

Take a look at our Getting Started page.

The name servers for my domain name are NS1.UNIQUETECH.NET and NS2.UNIQUETECH.NET and I am unable to log into the web site management section. What do I do now?

Submit a ticket and we will be happy to assist you in resolving the problem.

I’m not getting any emails from my website!

This may be because your ISP/email provider is flagging the emails as spam and either deleting them or placing them in a spam folder. Turning off your ISP/email provider’s spam filter should resolve this issue. If this doesn’t work, then please submit a ticket and we will be happy to assist you in resolving the problem.

How do I find out the number of daily visitors to my website and other statistics?

VoIP Phone Service

I just signed up. What do I have to do to get my phone service working?

Take a look at our Getting Started page.